How to Read a Dipstick With 2 Holes

  • #one

Can someone tell me how much oil this dip stick shows?:D

As far every bit I can tell, the oil level is all the manner to the right, on the top stopper plastic seedling.

This is done by Town & Country VW dealership here in Markham Ontario. Although the role number indicates 5 liters of 505 oil, the dealership "assures" me the right oil was put in and for he right corporeality.

They said information technology'southward prophylactic to drive in without risk of engine damage. With this kind of attitude, I wonder how VW's make image stays alive for so long.

  • #2

Looks like it's below the FULL mark, just barely.

Anything on the crosshatch area is good, above that is Full.

I don't remember information technology's all the way to the top stopper seedling; that may just be from pulling it out and some residual oil left along dipstick tube. There doesn't seem to be oil in that picayune notch before it. To me it looks fine, I wouldn't sweat it.

Bank check again after a tank of fuel.

Edit: more chiefly, 505.0? oil exactly

  • #3

My opinion is the same as andreigbs.

  • #v

Wait, this is from your '09? That oil should exist 507, not 505.xx. Please bank check part number on receipt and post here.

  • #eight

Oil level is correct. If it did indeed reach the tiptop "bulb", yous wouldn't be able to encounter the strands of the cablevision wire. I read hither that the easiest style is to ROLL the tip of the dipstick on a make clean newspaper towel. The oil level is then obvious.

505 oil is WRONG! It should exist 507!! Have them drain and refill. Drive the car back (certainly no need for a tow) and have them correct their mistake.

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  • #9

Thank you all for the input guys! I am going back today to go it changed out.

This has been tried a couple of times, when the stick is pulled out, there is a lot of oil on the wire part. I suppose you can still see a fiddling dab in the middle of the wire function, especially unnerving when the newspaper piece of work says five liters of ZVW 352 167 Due south DSP (Castrol SLX) which is very probable to be the 505 oil.

So, this could be residue from the tube? I don't know well plenty, because this is my first VW.

  • #11

the new ones accept 4.3quarts or 4 liters.
how much do the extractor pumps toll? maybe i should get one and change oil myself.

  • #12

A few things.

  • Reddish ScotchBrite the plastic stop. Makes it easier to read.
  • Check oil when car is warm.
  • When y'all pull out the dipstick, put information technology bated for 5-15 minutes to allow oil in the dipstick tube drain dorsum in the crankcase.
  • Later on y'all dip hold the stick somewhat vertical and then oil doesn't run college on the stick when being read.

Read your owners manual, the spec for engine oil is stated there. If they put in 505.Twenty they almost likely used the wrong oil for an 09 and information technology should be changed to the correct spec oil on their dime. Like I said check to owners manual so that you will be able to show them what the correct oil is.

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  • #xv

This is the extractor I have. http://world wide

I bought information technology from a local shop....the cost for me was about $79. Information technology works great for sucking oil. I've used it a few times since I bought it and it'due south yet going strong.

+1 on this Mityvac. Information technology also sucks out the oil from your lawn mower, snowfall blower, etc....

As well, the flow can exist reversed, so you can pump the used oil back out into whatsoever empty container you have handy (similar those giant detergent containers from Costco), and and so but driblet it off at any auto store or gas station for recycling.

  • #18

I would like some help with this odd dipstick that the Golf uses please.
Mine similar to the moving picture at the elevation of the thread; however, there are no serrations just a long thin section that is not quite every bit long as the serrated department.
Does anyone else have one like mine and knows where the right level and low level is?
TDI Golf GT MKV 2Litre 2005

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Wanderluster, Traveler, TDIClub Enthusiast

  • #twenty

The dipstick in mail service #ane shows the correct amount of oil. If yours looks similar that or a bit less, you're fine.



Wanderluster, Traveler, TDIClub Enthusiast

  • #22

Anywhere in the skinny part is ideal.

The upper wider surface area means practise not add together more than oil, simply information technology is an acceptable level.

The lower wider area means add oil until it's in the skinny function.

  • #26

"HuntTheShunt" writes: >(the groove just in a higher place the hash marks on the piece shown). is to low.
If past that you lot mean the groove that is above the arrow head bottom section.

OK, I'm going to borrow the original picture, because these dipstick threads ever pb to confusion over what's being discussed. There is a hashmarked section, which basically represents the acceptable range of oil. On either end of the hashmarked section is a groove, which are kind of the MAX and MIN marks.The top of the stick is to the right, then the right hand groove represents MAX and the left manus groove MIN. My oil basically stays right around the right-hand MAX groove. It's very difficult to say how much this stick has been wiped, if at all. It's my impression that information technology shows a level nearly at MAX.

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  • #27

"HuntTheShunt" writes: >(the groove merely above the hash marks on the piece shown). is to low.
If past that you mean the groove that is in a higher place the arrow head bottom section.

OK, I'yard going to borrow the original motion-picture show, because these dipstick threads always lead to confusion over what's being discussed. There is a hashmarked section, which basically represents the acceptable range of oil. On either end of the hashmarked section is a groove, which are kind of the MAX and MIN marks.The top of the stick is to the correct, and then the correct hand groove represents MAX and the left hand groove MIN. My oil basically stays right around the right-hand MAX groove. Information technology'southward very difficult to say how much this stick has been wiped, if at all. Information technology's my impression that it shows a level near at MAX.

The header picture show is not the same as my dipstick and that is why I included my picture to enable you guys to advise me. VeeDubTDI supplied the answer.

You seemed indicated a different interpretation because unknown to me you were talking about your dipstick/the thread header dipstick pic.

VeeDubTDI and I are not confused because we are discussing my picture ;)

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  • #29

Total Oil Level When Cold

If the oil level should be checked when the engine is hot, what does full oil look like when the car sits overnight?

  • #30

For me, the dipstick is easiest to read later on sitting overnight. I realize warm oil will aggrandize a niggling, but I get repeatable/readable measurements this style.

What reading do you become after letting the car sit overnight?


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